Saturday, August 31, 2019

“The Veldt” Essay Essay

Technology and its Bad Effect on Families Imagine holding so much engineering that your childs start to believe of it as their female parent and male parent. The narrative â€Å"The Veldt† by Ray Bradbury uses many literary elements to demo the audience that excessively much engineering can destruct a household. In the narrative. two childs and their parents live in a Happylife Home that does their mundane undertakings for them. The children’s parents. George and Lydia. are traveling to larn that giving their kids excessively much engineering is traveling to take to bad events in the hereafter. Through the usage of struggle. scene. and characterization Bradbury conveys that excessively much engineering can destruct a household. By depicting the struggles between the Hadley’s. Bradbury conveys that excessively much engineering can destruct a household. In the narrative. Peter gets into an statement with his pa who wants to turn off the baby's room. It is a good illustration of the struggle between them two. He says to his male parent. â€Å"I wish you were dead† ( Bradbury 7 ) . This shows that Peter has so much engineering in his life and now that his pa threatens to turn it off. he wants his pa gone. In add-on to this piece of grounds. Bradbury explains the psychologist look intoing in with the baby's room and what he finds out about it. â€Å"You’ve Lashkar-e-Taiba this room and this house replace you and your married woman in your child’s fondnesss. This room is their female parent and male parent. far more of import in their lives so their existent parents. And now you come along and want to close it off. No admiration there’s hatred here† ( Bradbury 6 ) . This shows how Wendy and Peter have so much engineering in their lives. that it is replacing their parents and making a struggle between them. The childs don’t want their parents around any longer since they have this engineering. Through the descriptions of the struggles between the Hadley household. readers see how so much engineering impacts them throughout the narrative. Through depicting the scene of the narrative. Bradbury conveys that excessively much engineering can destruct a household. In the narrative. the scene is largely the Happylife place that the Hadley’s live in and is described by Peter kicking that he may hold to make undertakings himself. â€Å"That sounds awful! Would I have to bind my ain places alternatively of allowing the shoe grade make it? And brush my ain dentition and comb my hair and give myself a bath? † ( Bradbury 5 ) . This shows how the childs are so used to holding engineering do everything for them that when their parents endanger to turn it off. they are forced to believe about what they might hold to make and they don’t want it to go on. Furthermore. Bradbury explains the scene of the baby's room as being the African Veldt. â€Å"He stepped into Africa. How many times in the last year†¦with slaying in the heat† ( Bradbury 3 ) . This shows how this engineering is showing the childrenâ €™s ideas onto the walls of the baby's room which happens to be the African Veldt with hungry king of beastss. Besides. the usage of the word â€Å"murder† in the quotation mark is a mark of what is traveling to go on to the parents subsequently in the narrative. By puting the scene of the narrative with descriptions of the scene. readers can see how Bradbury expresses how excessively much engineering can destruct a household. Last. Bradbury demonstrates that excessively much engineering can destruct a household by depicting the character’s personalities. In the narrative. George shows that he can be serious when needed while in an statement with Peter about turning off the house. â€Å"I won’t have any menaces from my son† ( Bradbury 7 ) . This shows that Peter is so spoilt that when his pa wants to take engineering off from Peter. he threatens his pa which is traveling to take to more household struggles subsequently on. Additionally. Bradbury explains the psychologist’s visit to look into the baby's room and figure out what’s incorrect. â€Å"How come you didn’t feel this before? † ( Bradbury ) . This shows that since the last clip the psychologist checked the baby's room. the kids have gotten more destructive heads and ideas that create the African Veldt all because of how their parents have been handling them. The psychologist used the engineering to ca lculate out how the kids have bad ideas toward their parents. which is traveling to ensue in the ruin of their household. Through the descriptions of these characters’ personalities. readers see the negative impact engineering has on this household. Ray Bradbury demonstrates to the reader of â€Å"The Veldt† through the usage of struggle. scene and word picture that excessively much engineering they had in the baby's room and the whole house. In the terminal. the childs end up killing their parents in a surprise stoping. Bradbury makes a great point in composing about the hereafter to non let excessively much engineering into this universe because it could take over and take to bad events.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Chilean Copper Mine Collapse Essay

When an unforeseen tragedy comes into a small community, the devastation can cause havoc. The members of the Chilean society found themselves with more questions than answers when word spread there had been a collapse in a local mine. The families of the trapped mine workers and employees affected were in need of guidance. When communicating the messages to Chilean people, awareness of the audience played an important role in ensuring all measures were being taken to save the miners lives. Trapped Miners in San Jose Mine During the summer of 2010, the San Jose, Chile copper mine collapsed trapping 33 miners inside. The employees of the mine, owned by Minera San Esteban Primera, were informed that the miners were trapped at a depth of approximately 300 meters with little to no food, water and oxygen. In the days that followed the initial collapse, a second collapse occurred leaving both rescuers and spectators wondering if the miners were even alive. (Weik, 2010). Considering the Audience It is important to remember the current state of shock, travesty and unawareness of the receivers within the Chilean community following the mines collapse. The families of the victims as well as the employees of the mine are in desperate need of answers and reassurance that rescuers are doing everything in their power to save the trapped miners. The messages relayed to these individuals need to be calm and collective while providing them with the information and details that are attainable at the current time. Government and mine officials also need to prepare to communicate to the employees and public future actions to be taken to prevent reoccurrence of this disaster. Families Potential Needs At the time of this catastrophe, the families of the trapped miners are in need of the most important thing in their lives at that moment, their trapped loved one. The families will need to be provided with a basic understanding of the factors involved with the collapse and what potential outcomes may occur. They will be in need of reassurance and comfort that all actions are being taken to confirm that a positive result will conclude this horrible misfortune. Lastly, it is important to provide the families with a plan in which rescuers are following and explain how the family member’s roles in saving the trapped miners are clarified. Employees Potential Needs Much like the families potential needs, the employees of the Chilean mine also need reassurance and guidance. It is likely that although the employees are concerned about how this collapse is going to affect them in the future, in the present moment they are concerned about the survival of their coworkers. A clear message will need to be presented to the employees indicating what role they can take in providing the rescuers with details they may need to help assist in the retrieval of the trapped miners. They also may be in need of counseling and other types of treatment as a result of experiencing such horrible events. Necessary Actions Prior to the messages being given, it is vital that the communicator has been provided with as many details as possible. This is important to know information that is both provided and withheld from the public for their safety. The message needs to be reviewed by both the mine company as well as any government officials involved in the incident. After a message has been communicated to the families and employees involved in the mine collapse, the most important actions to be taken is verification and understanding of the message. The communicator can provide these individuals with resources to assist them during this time such as crisis counselors. It will also be beneficial to make available written communication points that the families and employees can reference back to with questions and concerns. Lastly, a plan for continued communication is vital is supporting these individuals. It is important for a communicator to be aware of their audience, especially following a tragedy such as the Chilean mine collapse, when giving the message to the families and employees involved. The proper approach to relaying this message will provide the necessary support to instill the much needed sense of safety and security. Understanding the position of the receiver and their potential needs will assist in communicating the message intended. References Weik, J. (2010). Over 30 workers trapped after Chilean copper mine collapse. Metal Bulletin Daily, (224), 65.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Masculinity and It’s Link in the Importance Essay

Victorian ideas of masculinity. The concept of Victorian masculinity is a diverse one since it was influenced by numerous aspects and factors such as domesticity, economy, gender roles, imperialism, manners, religion and much more. Some of these aspects seem to be quite naturally related to one another, while others seem none-relational. For the males, this included a vast amount of pride in their work, protectiveness over their wives, and an aptitude for good social behaviour. The Victorians saw manliness as good, a form of control over maleness, which was brutish. Christianity contributed much to the Victorian concept of masculinity. The real Victorian man was to be spiritual and a faithful believer. The husband and father was considered to be the head of the household, but his duty was to rule. Victorian men were not only competing for respect within their own sex, but they needed to impress the women too. If they were not married, it depicted that they were not fully masculine because they did not have a family to support. Supporting a family was a sign of true success within the male sex. In the text so far Oscar Wilde shows Earnest/Jacks eagerness as a sign he could trying to assert his masculinity because that is what Victorian society is so judgemental. Prescribing the notion that women were born to dream of marriage, Cecily and Gwendolyn, from The Importance of Being Earnest, are caught up in the fantasies of the perfect marriage to the perfect earnest husband. Cecily and Gwendolyn are fixated on the name Earnest, almost as if it were an obsession; it is the ideal name for their future husbands. They are determined not to marry a man unless he is called Earnest because they believe a man with this name will automatically live up to the name’s expectations of being serious, honourable, and moral. In Wilde’s play, he comically satirizes the name â€Å"Earnest,† through the portrayal of two deceitful men whom the women fantasize as being ideal men worthy of marriage â€Å"My ideal has always been to love some one of the name of Earnest†¦ ’ These two men claim to live up to the Victorian ideals, but then live another life outside of the community to escape the society’s pressures. Henceforth, in the play, the men fall under the pressure of women and Victorian ideals rather than staying true to their identity and personalities. Even when Jack tries to admit his real name, Gwendolyn becomes lost in her ideals of a fantasized husband named Earnest and discourages Jack from confessing his real name. She uses the knowledge that she has learned from the Victorian society to judge whether someone by the name of â€Å"John† or â€Å"Jack† would be a suitable husband for her, and in doing so, she manipulates Jack into hiding his identity out of fear of losing Gwendolyn. He believes the only way Gwendolyn will accept him is to say his name is Earnest.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nursing Care for Clients With Acute and Chronic Health Problems Essay

Nursing Care for Clients With Acute and Chronic Health Problems - Essay Example What the doctor would probably order A complete blood count that determines the number, size, volume, and hemoglobin content of red blood cells. Blood iron level and serum ferritin level which is the best indicator of total body iron stores(Killip, Bennett, & Chambers, 2007). Level of vitamin B12and folate, vitamins necessary for red blood cell production. Special blood tests to detect rare causes of anemia, such as an immune attack on your red blood cells, red blood cell fragility, and defects of enzymes, hemoglobin, and clotting(Weiss & Goodnough, 2005). Â   Significant parts of her history The most important part of the history is the fact that she was started on iron due to low HB levels but later stopped taking them due to stomach upset, this means that if she had a hematological problem, then with time it progressed to a greater degree(Bross, Soch, & Smith-Knuppel, 2010).

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Write a critique about Cinderella A story of Sibling Rivalry and Assignment

Write a critique about Cinderella A story of Sibling Rivalry and Oedipal Confilcts By Bruno Bettelheim - Assignment Example This is created from the conscious part of our brains. According to Hentz (2002) the unconscious part of our brains has the ability to dig deeper into the story and relate to another interpretation. This is the same in a child’s brain where is it possible for a child to create both conscious and unconscious interpretation of a story. The Cinderella story helps children relate with their difficulties in life. In the essay Bruno Bettelheim goes deeper trying to explain how sibling rivalry and the oedipal stage in children contribute to their difficulties in life. The author argues that children relate greatly to the Cinderella story when they are faced with the difficulty of sibling rivalry. They tend to hope that they will get something great from the tribulations just as Cinderella did. While at the oedipal stage children do not have the ability to differentiate different emotions. They cannot differentiate between anger, guilt, jealousy, parental criticism, worthlessness and rejection (Hentz, 2002). However, with fairy tales like the Cinderella children can very appropriately relate to their emotions. The fairy tales provides children with an outlet for their thoughts. And it is for this reason that parents and teachers try to relate life to children by using and applying fairy tales in the real life. Just like the Cinderella story children cannot wait for their freedom from their parents. They yearn for the day that they will be independent from their parents. The essay by Bettelheim has points which I liked and other worthy of criticism. The author downplayed the original purpose of a fairy tale. When reading a fairy tale, the whole idea is entertainment (Hentz, 2002). Fairy tales as the most beautiful stories a child can relate to without relating them to their difficulties in life. The author takes beauty from them as he argues that children should find more than

Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results Assignment - 2

Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results - Assignment Example The director is significantly responsible for determination of firm’s vision and mission. Recruitment: The recruitment activities are highly diversified and do not comprise only the interviewing process of job applicants. The manager in the department is responsible for managing the overall process of recruitment including communication with potential client firms and implementation of recruitment process. The manager is essentially responsible for resolving issues associated with the hiring process and taking necessary managerial decisions thereof. Another important responsibility of the recruitment manager is to take care of internal recruitment (succession or promotion, layoff and new recruitment) and demand of external recruiters. IT: Organisations are increasingly incorporating technologies in their business activities and ABC Company is no different in this regard. Most of the tasks at operational and managerial level are coordinated through email, virtual networking and intranet. As a result, information technology forms an important functional department of the firm. The firm also interact with its external clients through emails. Hence, IT department is necessary for efficient management of soft and hard technologies that are employed in the firm. Training: The training department is essential in ABC Company for supporting the recruitment department. The department ensures that internal employees are imparted with sufficient and requisite training necessary for performing in their respective arena. Additionally, the training department evaluates qualifications of job seekers and candidates so that they can be set up with appropriate job interviews. Business development: The process of business development in the recruitment agency comprises continuous interaction with existing and potential client organisations for better understanding of their requirements regarding candidates. The process of business development

Monday, August 26, 2019

Description of Business Resources Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Description of Business Resources - Coursework Example The notion that managing resources and controlling budget cost can improve the performance of a business is also discussed in a clear and outright way. There are several physical and technological resources required in the operation of the advertising and publishing company. One is building and facilities, it is apparent that the business needs a premise to operate from in Oman. Buildings play a significant role in the image of a company and can influence different types of customers. The location of the business is important for distribution purposes. By locating the business at Oman, Mohammed should ensure it is located a place where it is accessed by many people as there will be more profits.1 Another one is the machinery to be used in the company. Mohammed should ensure that the company obtains the required machinery in the publishing process. Also, there must be computers where the adverts will be designed from before publication. Mohammed will need to ensure that he abides by the health and safety laws. This is by providing the employees with a safe environment as some of the equipment and machinery may be hazardous to health. The stock is another requirement needed by the company. The advertising and publishing company requires the stock of papers and ink that will be used in the printing process.2 The management of human resources can improve the performance of the selected organization. Mohammed should ensure that the right approach is used to the employees planning and management of their profession. Human resource management is important to the company as it enables employees to perform efficiently increasing the production. Some of the methods Mohammed can use in managing human resource management are training, appraisal, motivating and personal development skills. Also, the staff to be employed must have the right skills and papers for a particular Job role.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

How to increase cardiovascular health in the US population with Essay

How to increase cardiovascular health in the US population with diabetes - Essay Example Participation in physical activities among the girls also diminishes greatly as they grow up. This affects them significantly and makes them to be prone to diabetes. According to the American Heart Association, people who are prone to cardiovascular diseases range above 50 years. Many a time and often, cardiovascular diseases have been associated with men. However, women also suffer from heart diseases almost 10 years later. 25% of most old people who suffer from the cardiovascular diseases have little physical activities. 40% of women have excess cholesterol that lead to heart congestion thus strained blood flow. The adolescent especially those who spend a lot of time on TV consume more calories and they eat food rich in fats, they drink more sodas, and take a lot of juice. Some researchers have established that eating while watching increases satiety of eating, which make one to overeat thus increase of weight. Due to the curiosity of the advertisements, adolescent often take the s ugary food on adverts. People who spend a lot of time in office work, which does not involve a lot of physical work also run the risk of gaining more weight than necessary. People who do manual labor are less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases due to their physical engagements that automatically lead to the burning of too much calories. The obese people are also involved in this study. Obese people are likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. They thus need immediate attention for them to be safe from the dreadful complications. Seeking to know the means of transport each category of the research participants uses can help in determining whether their bodies get some form of exercise; for example, those who ride on bicycles most of the time a less likely to suffer from cardiovascular complications than those who depend on vehicles. Finding out the hours one spend in watching TV helps the group to determine the major cause of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Language is the only homeland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Language is the only homeland - Essay Example These women were searching for independence and Kingston describes independence in speaking up rather writing. It became her identity and made her look at herself and her family from a new perspective that is in a more mature manner. Similarly Marshall finds independence in spoken word and in writing with emotions. Marshall and Kingston see their stories as inspiration to black women writers and those Chinese emigrants who are afraid to speak up about their values and culture. Marshall connects himself to the African American ancestors. Both writers believe their writing can be linked to unsaid words of Chinese and African American women. It states what the women were always longing to say but they did not had the independence to do so. Their writings are related to the cultures they were exposed to throughout their lives. Paule Marshall talks about her experience in growing up a family that immigrated to America from Barbados in West Indies.In her essay "Poets in the Kitchen she not only talks about what experiences shaped her personality but also the inspiration behind her writing.History of Barbados explains a lot about the background of thi8s essay.The inhibition of island by ArawakIndians and then Carib Indians greatly describe about the traditions told by Paule at her house.For instance Indians would tie their children's forehead to slope them up.This tradition is quite similar to one discussed by Paule in her essay: â€Å"the bellyband that is tied around the stomach of a newborn baby to keep the navel pressed in† (Marshall1). .Therefore indicating where the traditions discussed by Paule actually originated from. Marshall’s relation to African-American ancestors directly involves her mother and friends of mother. In that era when black women were just viewed as labors, Marshall viewed them as a piece of art. Therefore Marshall uses the kitchen and home setting she was exposed to in her childhood, to describe the African American tradition. All day labor, hard work gave these women no time for any other activity. They resided to their language and freedom of expression as the only way to self express themselves. (Marshall1).While relating to her mother, Marshall talks about how her mother resorted to oral communication and she on the other hand adapted written form of communication to express her creative desires and emotions. She talks about how the language transformed daily wit the evolution of new words such as tumbling big for a pregnant woman, free bee for one with freedom for sexual favors (Marshall1).Marshall identifies with her mother’s personal experiences, stories and writes a record of it all. Identity can be defined in several different ways.It is way more diverse and complex than one's identification card simply.Orientalism defines identity in quite a new perspective.It talks about how West perceives East.The West is always seen as the dominating superior power while East are considered weak, suppr essed and uncivilized nations.This point of view has been rooted in our traditions since centuries and it has shaped the people's way of thinking.As a result East has adapted the mindset of being powerless in front of West.In the chapter a Song for Barbarian Reed Pipe in the Book "The Woman Warrior" by Kingston, the issue of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Challenge is Managing the People Who Manage Knowledge Essay

Challenge is Managing the People Who Manage Knowledge - Essay Example The management should present the knowledge worker with an opportunity to collect, verify, validate and apply knowledge learned from his experiences and from the corporate records, and be able to share it with other workers. Such knowledge, when effectively disseminated in the organization, adds value to the organization or can aid in problem solving. According to McFarlane, despite the knowledge and experience a knowledge worker has, he or she needs exposure to tasks that will encourage personal growth. The management should realize that this is a need to the knowledge worker and has to be satisfied. Tasks assigned to these workers should present an opportunity for them to apply their criticality, skills, and experience. The tasks must pose a challenge to them, so that they can grow. Giving knowledge workers easy tasks will be under utilizing them and they will look for more challenging opportunities elsewhere. According to Serrat, an organization should define task objectives clear ly. In addition, the management should ensure that each worker understands the performance standards. An organization seeking to manage the knowledge workers effectively should formulate critical mission vision statements. Mission vision statements of an organization determine the mission vision statement of an individual in an organization, as well as the values an individual will display. If the mission of an organization presents great responsibility, the knowledge worker will be pushed to give his or her best and share knowledge with other workers in an effort to achieve the set goals of the organization. Setting challenging goals will push the workers to be more creative and critical and this will bring new ideas into the organization. The vision of an organization gives the knowledge worker a clear picture of the direction in which the organization should be moving. When the knowledge worker has a sense of direction, he performs better. According to Serrat, knowledge workers n eed knowledge managers. This is critical for any organization, because it requires a change in the type of managers hired. Organizations should no longer look at the ability to exercise power in a manager, but rather an ability to lead a team. A manager should have skills that enable him handles issues in his or her team effectively. A knowledge manager should be able to appreciate the talent of the team, mentor, and efficiently give feedback to the team. Knowledge workers need good working relationships with their managers. It is critical for the organization to ensure that managers provide a good working environment to the workers. Organizations should therefore do away with the traditional boss who spends time in supervision and giving orders. A knowledge manager should focus on organizational learning to ensure exemplary performance of the organization. The knowledge workers deserve space and time for them to work on their own. Constant supervision limits creativity and creativi ty. This does not mean that the management should allow them to do things their own way, but poses a challenge for the smart manager to realize when to supervise, or when to give them their space. It is not easy for an organization to quantify the amount of work done by knowledge workers, as it is n form of knowledge

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ethics Essay Essay Example for Free

Ethics Essay Essay There are similarities and differences, which exist between virtue, utilitarianism, and deontological ethical theories. I will provide an explanation of each theory as well as a description of the differences in how each theory addresses ethics and morality. From childhood to adulthood, People have lived through many experiences. I will touch briefly on a personal experience to show the relationship between virtue, values, and moral concepts as they relate to one of the theories. Beginning with Virtue ethics, â€Å"it is also called agent-based ethics. Its position is that we become good when we cultivate excellence (virtue) by pursuing the moderate course between excess and defect† (Boylan, Pg 208, 2009). An example of this is by saying that a person who has a certain job or career can achieve excellence if he or she make the conscious decision to do what it takes to get there. Utilitarianism defined is â€Å"the theory that suggests that an action is morally right when that action produces more total utility for the group as a consequence than any other alternative does.† Utilitarianism has an individual put the entity before his or herself, for the greater good of the team, work-center, or corporation. By understanding one’s position in that entity, realizing at the moment there is someone better suited to fulfill a task, the utilitarian willingly would offer the task to the more qualified person. The Deontological theory, suggest, â€Å"that an agents duty is based up principle. The theory bases its duties on the nature of human reason or on the nature of human action. It asserts the existence of moral facts and so is a moral realist theory.† An example of this theory would be the actions given to the police force. Policemen have a duty to uphold the law even if it means taking another persons life at will. Usually when warranted, the consequences of taking another persons life are justified by their duty to uphold the law. Under virtue theory, ethics and morality are addressed by asking how do we determine if a person is good or not. Do we give ourselves time to get to know a person or do we determine the good in a person based on their acts. Is it fair to judge a person on acts alone? Understanding that some individuals may view things different from others describes morality.  Morality is addressed by virtue to understand what one person thinks is ethically good or not may not be right or wrong to another. Utilitarianism addresses ethics and morality by placing the good of the group at the forefront. Utilitarianism would be a group of citizens believing in the same goal for the good of the team. For this to exist, each citizen in the group has the same beliefs and look for toward the same outcome. There is no question of right and wrong or the greater good. They all follow a set standard for what they perceive to be the best action for the team. Deontology Theory addresses ethics and morality by taking the command action as it asks the question, â€Å"when does recognition of moral duty begin?† (Boylan, Pg. 173, 2009). The commanding task for this theory applies to those with a duty to act upon. For example, the president of the USA has a duty to protect the nation from all enemies. His position would fall into this theory whereas his personal thinking may be as a utilitarian or of virtue. Based on the position there may be a requirement to fulfill a certain duty under the deontological theory. A personal experience that I could relate to one of these theories would be the legalization of abortion. Although I believe a person should have the right to an abortion, I do not believe the act itself is right. I also think it depends on the reason. I went through a situation in which a friend was pregnant and did not want to have an abortion, however, chose to do so because of her financial situation. Ethically she made a choice that was hers to do so but the moral to do so was wrong I feel based on her reasoning. Automatically I would say her values to the situation were about herself only and not about what she was destroying. Comparing the Virtue, Utilitarianism, and Deontology theories provided some similarities and differences. An explanation was given for these theories as well as a description of the ethical and moral differences of each. Last, a personal experience was provided detailing how the relationship between virtue, values, and moral concepts related to the theories. Reference: Boylan, M. (2009). Basic Ethics (2nd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Living in a big city or living in the contryside Essay Example for Free

Living in a big city or living in the contryside Essay It has long been a controversy among people that living in a small town or in a big city is more preferable. While some people claim that living in such big cities as capital or any other great city can result in more comfortable, others feel that residence in the smaller town cannot merely give them peaceful lives but also make them healthier than people living in a big city. In my opinion, I have prejudice for residence in a small town due to some reasons. Although town-dwellers can survive considerably more convenient than those who live in the country side having many facilities and amenities for them, they must confront with much pollution in their hometown. That tiny particles from big industries and toxic gases from million cars tend to increase more and more are used to characterize the town nowadays. On the contrary, lacking in advance technologies makes rural life happy and peaceful. Rural-dweller can enjoy living in real nature. They can waste Just a little time to go to work, unlike town-dwellers who have much trouble with traffic Jam and lso they can spend times they left during the day to do more enjoyable and funnier activities such as exercise, shopping or playing game with their children. Moreover, people who live in the country side are likely to have longer longevity and healthier than those who inhabit in the town. High technologies can harm and cause so serious health problems to the people who are denizen of the town. In conclusion, I would rather live in the small country than in the big city. Even though, the comfort ability in the town appeals many people, I prefer to spend my life simply and happily.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

An Election Algorithm In Distributed Systems Information Technology Essay

An Election Algorithm In Distributed Systems Information Technology Essay In our increasingly globalised, distributed computer systems have been changed several aspect of our life, especially parallel computing; these days commercial application provide the strength of the development of faster computer, which allow a large amount data in sophisticated way, for instances, economic and financial modelling, database, multimedia technology, and oil exploration. Parallel computing has the ability to solve larger problems, provide the attribute of concurrency, save time and money. Distributed systems architecture leads to a wider use of parallelism as future of computing sector; this evolution made possible to run software on concurrent process on multiple processors. One of the main issues in designing concurrent software is election algorithm. The issue of election algorithm is the very question the current paper seeks to answer. The importance of this issue leads to effectiveness enhancements by develop and design algorithm use a new technique. Therefore, the aims of this dissertation are design and develop this technique, also discuss the benefits of parallel computing. Rationale I have been used the computer and the internet for several of years, my concentration is networks with emphasis in distributed systems. Recently, the internet is vastly interconnected a variety number of computer networks in many different institutions, which make a huge motivation to be professional user; therefore, my MSc course at Oxford Brookes University is really brilliant opportunity for achieving this goal with deep information path for further research in software engineering and networks. In particularly distributed systems are one of the significantly growing on demand in this sector, as they used to accelerate the computational speed of the problem solving. Thus, one of the most fundamental problems in distributed systems is the leader failure, furthermore, it is spectacular to improve and enhance my C language programming. With all these changes in the area of computer industry, my goal to helps and assists for use the election algorithm in distributed systems with a new technique and software for solving the coordinator failure. During study of distributed systems with connecting of parallel computing, this was bring a new interested challenge to go more further in development and contribute to gain wide rang of knowledge, all of these will have prepared me for a future career in computer software engineering and broadened my perspective and enriched my life beyond my career aspiration. Preliminary Research (maybe) Objectives The objectives of this dissertation is to research and develop the theme of an election in distributed systems which allow a group of processes to elect one process to act as a coordinator when a failure happen. However, as well as to achieve this goal PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) and improve the understanding of this environment as it will used as an environment message passing for this project, this facility provides send and receive data message between processes and support concurrent programming, moreover it is easy and simple to spawn a set of processes. One of the most significant advantages of PVM is provide unified framework within parallel programs like cluster, where is possible for a programmer to divide a block of data into tasks that can run concurrently by send and receive data to all processes. This paper will focus on how to produce an election algorithm use above idea. This environment will be written in C language, and there will be a main program (Master), in which the user can initialise and make the declaration for the main attribute of executed program; there are varieties of functions to send and receive all data types during the communication between programs. The second program called (Slave), this program will carryout the operation after receive the data from master program, then packet the result and send it back. Finally, a part from the objectives will be self skills specifically improve project planning, programming as well as project writing skills. Methods The research methods which used to achieve these objectives will be as the following: Research the Oxford Brookes library for books and documentation for the distributed systems and specially an election and agreement, the library has a lot of sources, the book Distributed Systems: Principle and Paradigms [7] has cover important information to achieve the goal of this project; also the book Distributed Systems: Concept and Design [1] the was a brilliant theory to cover the distributed systems. Another book was giving a complete list of function, examples, and explanation to be familiar with virtual environment [2]. On the other hand, research the Internet, which has a lot of useful materials and describing an election algorithm [3]. Study and evaluate some kinds of algorithms those help and develop the topology idea of the project to achieve my goal. Produce a solution design to meet the requirement of the problem, as well as developed which needed for every task and discussed the findings with my supervisor. Moreover, PVM message passing communication design which gives a right direct path for problem solving. Implement every task as a proposed design use PVM library written in C language. System run and testing will be done on Cluster of school of technology. Make a review and keep an arranging to complete writing of the final report. Testing (may) Resources This dissertation will be achieved by using a variety of resources of software and hardware, also some of information and documents sources that cover all the area of the research. Software The environment of code will be writing in C language, that it support concurrent computer and UNIX, as well as it is simple language to understand. Moreover, it is also support the software PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine). PVM is mainly designed for using by concurrent and heterogeneous environment; it is possible for providing a virtual view. There are many of useful websites like ( Hardware The Cluster of Brookes School of Technology will be needed to implement the project, and all test and run steps will do on it. The cluster consists of 6 nodes with 1 main node ssh connected as processors and run PVM which installed in every node. Information Sources and Experts Advice There are several of documentation belongs to PVM which can be found in the book of A Users Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing as mentioned earlier, and websites [4]. Further more, the lectures of modules software technologies that have a good reference of covering the topic of distributed systems in general. Besides all of this my supervisor/tutor Chris Cox who gives useful advice and information as he is specialise in distributed systems programming. Schedule PERT Chart Gantt Chart Abstract The election algorithm code has been implemented according to the design decision made. It includes function to perform sending and receiving (communication channel) operations for group of functions to Acknowledgement I would like to take the opportunity to thank my supervisor Mr. Chris Cox who was always available to support when I missed up; I am deeply indebted for his constant help and advice. Since this push to more steps in my research, this reflects on the right direction to the target of finishing the dissertation. I want to thank my friend Abobaker Almowfeq for his encouragement and advice. Finally, I dedicated this thesis to my parents and thank them for the supporting throughout my MSc study in the UK. I am honoured to show my respects to them. They were my powerful source of energy. Contents Dissertation Plan Abstract Acknowledgement Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ The Importance of Concurrent Programming The Need of Election in Distributed Systems Structure of this Document Research †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Election Algorithm Theory Description Bully Algorithm Ring Algorithm Method Introduction Design Stage The Core Algorithm Comments on the Algorithm Evolution of the Core Algorithm The Software Development C Language PVM Cluster Testing Failure Simulation Testing Function Conclusions Critical Appraisal of the Project Achievement Area of Future Improvement Work Schedule Review Lessons Learnt List of Abbreviation DDMS (Distributed Database Management System) MPI (Message Passing Interface) MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) SMP (Symmetric Multi Processing) List of Figures Chapter 1 Introduction The Importance of Concurrent Programming The past thirty years have seen increasingly rapid advances in the field of concurrent programming computing, a concurrent program is a set of sequential programs that can be executed in parallel [book of principles concurrent]. On the theme of distributed systems that enable the computers to coordinate their activities and share hardware, software, and data. The strategies characteristics of the systems which include shared state, multiple computers, and a processor that suited to a particular function to make the improvement for performance and utilization. As well as the concurrent computing have the availability of fault interconnections give the predominance over all the others. All of these offer several advantages: The cost of this computing can be low; each individual task assigned to appropriate architecture that lead to optimized performance. Network computing can be offer a computer task partitioning along of services functions. Another advantage, the computing networks ha ve the capability to execute subtasks of a computation on tolerance. Consequently, one of the major problems that distributed systems face is the failure; this problem can be solved by election algorithm for the agreement to only one node that distinguished and all other nodes aware of it. Thus this paper describes the design and producing an algorithm to achieve communication of parallel programming in virtual environment. The Need of Election in Distributed System Election process is a program distributed over all nodes. When the leader has failed and discovered by one or more nodes, then election starts. The leader election algorithms are used in many topologies. For example, in token ring and when the node that has token fails, a new node should be selected from the system to have the token. The leader election is also used to sole single point failure in client-server that is when the systems need to transfer the leadership to another station and the fail occurs. Many researches have studied the subject of leader election algorithms. The researches presented different techniques and strategies to deal with the election algorithm. The objective of this dissertation is to research the election algorithm in distributed systems and design and develop an election algorithm in distributed systems to choose and agreed with biggest identifier to be coordinator. The software systems PVM used as a library of design and development. Structure of this Documents This dissertation has structured and separated into three parts. The first part describes and discusses the research topic theory of the election algorithm in distributed systems, as provides some applications with description to show and investigate their use in the subject of election algorithm. The second part describes the methodology that adapted to accomplish this dissertation, as well as outline design of the core algorithm and development description which shows the dissertation deliverables. The final part outlines the conclusion with achievement of this project. Chapter 2 Research This section shows the research and development of the related investigation; and moreover, the works that have been done relating election algorithm. It covers the theory of distributed systems and the failure problems; this part was particularly important in the progress of understanding an election and the agreement in distributed systems; and gives a clear idea for design the core algorithm. The need for software technologies module lectures, specially distributed systems was deceive; there were brief description for some material and examples of programming code those were good point to start from for this dissertation. Election Algorithm Theory (in Distributed Systems As more and more, distributed systems have been rapidly changed the field of computer science. Distributed systems are application that executes a collection of autonomous network computers to coordinate and communicate their action. However, the major goal of distributed systems including the ability to connect remote users with remote resources in open scalable way; in other words give an easy way and simple way for the users and application to access remote resources, and sharing the facilities included by efficient/controlled way. Furthermore, the brilliant benefits of sharing resources are vary; the obvious one is economic, that is to say reduce the expenditure for institutions, such as Universities, and also the collaboration will be easier to connect users and resources. This characteristic is a direct as a result of having independent computer [7]. Description An election algorithm: Is an algorithm for solving the coordinator election problem which is choosing a unique process from among a group of processes on different processors to act as central coordinator in distributed system, that is to say a group of processes on different machines need to make agreement to choose a coordinator[7]. However, there is no way to choose/select one process, if all processes are exactly the same and there are no distinguishing characteristics. Accordingly, there requirement is for the choice of elected process to be unique; hence election algorithm attempt to locate process with highest process number and designate it as coordinator [7]. When a failure occurs, which means one or more node fails, or during a communication channel fails the subsystem that enables the nodes/processes to communicate; there is necessity for the nodes to start coordination agreement to elect node for new situation, therefore live nodes can continue working to fulfil their task [3]. Distributed systems have to be adaptable to failures at least by two strategies. The first strategy is a capability for operating continuously and correctly by have software when failures occur (using an algorithm). The other strategy is to take a period of time out to reorganize the system by temporarily halt operation (reorganization by coordinator) [3]. The election algorithms vary, for example: Wired system which are for instances. Bully Algorithm (the biggest guy in town wins) Ring Algorithm Wireless system Very large-scale system Bully Algorithm It is an election algorithm, in the paper of Election in a Distributed Computing Systems by Garcia-Molina [9]; this algorithm can handle process crashes and the presumptions are all processes have got unique identity, all other processes in the network are known by every process and the system is synchronous, that is, there is a maximal time limit T within a request and if the requested process P is alive the request will be answered. However, the algorithm defined as, when there is no responding to the requests from the coordinator, there will an initiating for an election. Therefore: The process P send an election-message to all processors with higher numbers than itself, then P waits for answer-message. The process P will itself elected (P win the election), if the answer-messages are not arrive with in the time T, after that sends a coordinator message to all processors a lower number. Process P will wait a further time period T a coordinator message, if there is one or more answer-message A process P receives an election message and returns the answer-message, then start the algorithm from the beginning if there is nothing have been done before. A process P receives the coordinator message register the senders number and considers it elected. The algorithm will be started , when faulty process restarts; if the process which was previously down comes back up, it holds an election and if happens to be the highest numbered process currently running, this will win the election and take over the job of coordinator. As a result of that the biggest process in all processes always wins; therefore the name is bully algorithm. Here an example of the election of coordinator P2 after the failure of P4 [3]. Election Coordinator Stage 1 Election P1 P4 P3 P2 Answer Election Coordinator Election P1 Stage 2 Election P4 Election P3 P2 Answer Stage 4 Stage 3 coordinator Time out P1 P2 P3 P4 P2 P1 P3 P4 Figure (Bully Algorithm) In this operation, four processes are shown when process P1 detect the failure of the coordinator P4, therefore it is announces an election in the stage 1; during the receiving an election-message from P1, processes P2 and P3 send answer-message to P1 and start their own elect-ion, then in the stage 2, P3 sends an answer-message to P2, for P3 has no answer-message received from P4 which is failed process. Consequently, it decides that it is the coordinator; moreover, in stage 3 P3 fails too before it can send out the coordinator-message. When the timeout period expires for P1, it deduces the absence of the coordinator-message and begins another election; eventually P2 is elected coordinator. Ring Algorithm An election which is suitable for a collection of processes based on the use of a ring; in the book Distributed Systems Concepts and design [1] chapter12 section 12.3 provides a good reference and explanation of the subject of coordination and agreement. However, the messages are sent clockwise around the ring, any process can begin an election initially, every process is marked as nonparticipant in an election, it proceeds by making itself as a participant, so when any process notices that the coordinator is not functioning, it builds an election-message placing its identifier in an election message and sending it to its clockwise neighbour, when an election-message is received by a process, it compare the identifier in the message with its own, the message will be forwarded if the arrived identifier is greater than a received process; whereas, if the arrived identifier is smaller and the receiver is not a participant, then it substitutes its own identifier in the message and forwards it, but if it is already a participant, it does not forward the message. In addition, if the received identifier is that of the receiver itself, thus this identifier must be the greatest, and it becomes the coordinator. Accordingly, the coordinator makes itself as a non-participant once more and sends an elected message to its neighbours announcing its election and enclosing its identity. As well as, if the neighbour process which is received the election message is down, the sender will skip over the neighbour and goes to the next member along the ring, or the one after that until a running process is located. P1 Adds 3 (2 ,3) P1 Coordinator P2 P4 P2 P4 P2 Elected P3 Elect P3 message (2,3) P3 Elect-P2 message (2) P3 Elect-P3 message (2,3) Stage 2 Stage 1 Coordinator = P3 Sends elected P3 (2,3) P1 P4 P2 Elected P3 message P3 receives the message P3 Stage 3 Figure (Ring Algorithm) Supposing P2 detects that coordinator P4 is not responding, thus P2 sets active-list to ( ) and sends elect-P2 message to P3, after P2 sets active-list to (2). However, P3 receives elect-P2 which is the first message has been seen, so P3 sets its active-list to(2,3); then P3 sends elect-P3 towards P4 and sends elect-P2 also respectively, the message will pass P4 and P1 due to their crash and reach P2, the process P2 adds 3 to active-list (2,3), then P2 forward elect-P3 to P3 and receives the elect-P2 message which leads to choose P3 from P2 as the highest processes in its-list (2,3) and sends an elected P3 message, finally P3 receives the elected-P3 and P3 choose P3 as the highest process in its-list. This is an example of process which consists of four processes and the assumption is P1 and P4 are crashed. Distributed Database systems Distributed database technology required to merging of two significant concepts, the integration via the element of database and distribution through the element of networking. Therefore, distributed database management system (DDBMS) provides the powerful tools for managing an integrated collection of shared data, and supply total solution to information processing problems within large organization. Furthermore, the reliability of the data communication facility will be takes into its possibility. However, distributed database require one process to be a unique as coordinator to perform some activities. The [5] provides a reference for using election to choose the coordinator as continuing for duty is required when the coordinator process fails. The election algorithm [6] of TEMPO that running on Berkeley gives another use of choosing a unique process to be coordinator. TEMPO is a distributed system program that adapted on master and slave techniques running on individual process. The reliable communication services for LAN which TEMPO works in and to be sure about its continuity, an election is necessary to elect a new master and should have the ability to perform: withstand the failure of process when the election begin, deal with network partitions, and collect information about the topology of the system by allowing a time daemon. Chapter 3 Method Introduction This chapter describes the design and implementation of the election algorithm. The main point of the design is the aspect which will be used and adapted in order to finish this project; therefore various assumptions and decisions are made to develop main algorithm. In the dissertation proposal report there was assumption idea about the algorithms to be used, but when some design concepts have reviewed and researched the algorithm that based on Bully Algorithm was adapted. All following section covers technical and practical explanation, as well as the process of the design which are made. Finally, testing process to shows the algorithm performance Design Stage The Problem Specification Design After finishing the necessary requirement and research, there were many possible idea gathered in order to produce the design, formulate a clear manner of main election algorithm, and how to achieve the efficient solution to the problem. The design of the communication must take into account the topology of the network, which will be (cluster); the algorithms presented here assume a fully connected topology. Furthermore, the assumption that communications are error free is an abstraction and the assumption of finite but arbitrary transit times for messages is consistent; the algorithm do not to be sensitive to change in the relative speeds of the channel and processors at the nodes, so the correctness will never depend on absolute times. For each node there will be a unique identification number, the message passing model is consistent with that provided with PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine). There are two statements for communication: Sending and receiving messages Send (MessageType, Destination [, Parameters]) Receive (MessageType [, Parameters]) For example below node 1 sends a message of type request to node 2 with two integer parameters values 13 and 27. integer k= 13 send (request, 2, k, 27) integer m, n receive (request, m, n) node 1 node 2 (Node communication) When the message is received at node 2, these values are transferred to the variable m and n declared at the node. The core Algorithm Architecture Discuss the algorithm process Send side: Receive side: The design of the algorithm will using fully connected, and it is extremely efficient in that any node can send a message directly to any other nodes, but it is extremely expensive because it needs more communication channel. This design allows process to crush during the election where there are three types of messages; an election message is sent to announce an election; an answer message is sent in response to an election message and coordinator message is sent to announce the identity of the elected process. The drawing below shows four nodes which containing the data structures, that is A node identity and the number chosen by each nod 13 elected message{} node 1 elected message {1} {1,2,3,4} {1,2} {1,2,3,4} 22 7 node 4 node 2 elected message{1,2} elected message{1,2,3} 18 node 3 {1,2,3} Figure (Fully Communication Architecture) The assumption of the election start from node 1 and the message is send to all other nodes ; and every process marked as nonparticipant in an election, when node 1 initiates/builds the election message placing with it its identifier which is 13 in active list {1} and sends it to all nodes neighbour, when as election message is received by all nodes, they compare the identifier in the message (13) with their own, consequently node 2 sends reply message to all nodes, because other nodes have lower identifier than it does. On another hand, node 4 does not send any reply message, instead adding all other nodes to its active list; also node 3 sends reply to both node 1 and node 4 but not for node 2; node 1 will reply message only to node 4 due to that the identifier number of node 1 is bigger than node 4. When node 2 sends reply message with its identifier which is the highest one to all nodes, its regarded as coordinator election message, and it will wait a period of time, then if it does not receive any reply from the nodes, thus it sends a message to all other nodes declare itself as coordinator. Node status is normal except while the node is in the process of joining a new group. Each node that is not the leader of a group call to checks whether the leader of its group is still alive, by sending a message to the leader and waiting for a reply. If the node does not receive a reply within the timeout period, the node invokes a recovery procedure. Each leader i call a check procedure, which sends message to every other node asking whether that node is a leader. If one or more other nodes reply that it is a leader, node i pauses for a time inversely proportional to its priority (this helps prevent multiple nodes from initiating elections concurrently) and then calls a merge procedure. The merge procedure sends message to all of other leaders, inviting them to join a new group with the inviting node as leader. When the leader i receives an invitation, it forwards the invitation to the other members of its group. A node i that receives an invitation (directly or indirectly), sends an accept message to the proposed leader of the group. If node I receives a reply to its accept message within some time-out period, then node i joins the new group, otherwise, node i calls the recovery procedure. If two nodes are in the same group, then they have the same leader at all times, for all operational node i and j, if status i = normal and status j = normal. Reliable Broadcast To ensure essentially that all correct processes deliver the same message, and that messages broadcast by correct processes are delivered. Furthermore, it ensures that no different messages with the same identifier are delivered. The consideration that, the reliable broadcast is executed by function broadcast (message) as the following: Reliable broadcast1 Validity: If a correct process broadcast message M, then some correct processes eventually deliver M. Reliable broadcast2 Agreement: If a correct process delivers a message M, then some correct processes eventually deliver M. Reliable broadcast3 Integrity: For any identifier ID, every correct process p delivers at most one message M with identifier ID, and if sender (M) is correct then M was previously broadcast by sender (M). The election message will use the flag, so the flag is used by application to inform which node is alive or dead, and below there is some assumption for that Comments on the core Algorithm First of all, the design in these algorithms have been influenced by Because the sender It long words here Amer Evolution on the core Algorithm Software Development When the choice of the design has made, and finishing the messages passing communication mechanism for the election algorithm. Furthermore, after final manner for the communication topology has chosen and proved , some technical and technology materials are required to reach the goal of this dissertation, like which kind of library and hardware to be used to implement, run and test the algorithm, also which language to be easy for the programming. Thus, the following sections discuss these issues. The C Language The simplicity of C language to learn, understand, and the advantage of its widely spread led me to make the choice to be adapted it as a programming language for the code of this project. Moreover, it is origin as the language of UNIX operating systems. This also gives more advantage as PVM library written in C, so it specifies a standard library with an extensive set of function that being powerful and efficient language. It is support low level of both applications the distributed and the network one. The Cluster Computers A computer cluster is a set of connected or linked computers that working close to each other through high speed local area networks to form a single computer. A cluster at least has two computer that called nodes, one master which typically has a job scheduler that arrange the work to slave

Alexander Pope Essay on Man :: essays research papers

Alexander Pope was born May 21, 1688, in London. His father was a cloth merchant living in London, both his parents were Catholic. It was a period of intense anti-Catholic sentiment in England, and at some point Alexander's family was forced to relocate to be in compliance with a statute forbidding Catholics from living within ten miles of London or Westminster. They moved to Binfield Berkshire where Pope's early education was affected by his Catholicism. The Catholic schools were illegal but, they were allowed to survive in some places. Prior to his move to Binfield Pope spent a year at Twofold, where he wrote "a satire on some faults of his master," which led to him being whipped and beaten until he became ill. Then once again he was taken from his family. Alexander went to study with Thomas Deane, a convert to Catholicism who lost his position at Oxford as a result of his religious beliefs. After the Pope family moved to Bin field Alexander became self-taught. Pope's disease apparently tuberculosis of the bone became evident when he was about twelve. Later in Pope's life, Sir Joshua Reynolds described him as "about four feet six high; very humpbacked and deformed. Pope was also afflicted with constant headaches, sometimes so severe that he could barely see the paper he wrote upon, frequent violent pain at bone and muscle joints shortness of breath, increasing inability to ride horses or even walk for exercise. William Wycherley, impressed by some of Pope's early poetry, introduced him into fashionable London literary circles in 1704. Public attention came with the publication of Pastorals in 1709. The Rape of the Lock helped secure Pope's reputation as a leading poet of the age. Pope moved Twickenham in 1717 there he received visitors just about everyone, attacked his literary contemporaries although notable exceptions were Swift and Gay, with whom he had close friendships and continued to publish poetry. He died May 21, 1744 at Twickenham Village. He wrote a poem called the Essay of a Man in 1733-1734) Pope examined the human condition against Miltonic, cosmic background. Although Pope's perspective is well above our everyday life, and he does not hide his wide knowledge, the dramatic work suggest than humankind is a part of nature and the diversity of living forms each beast, each insect, happy in its own.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Hero :: Example Personal Narratives

The Hero Another Sunday morning came, and as I contemplated whether I should do my laundry, or go to the super market, or maybe even down to the mall to buy that fishing rod that was on sale, the phone suddenly rang. "Hey Russ, do you want to go down to the mall? They have a sale at Big Video, all their heroes of action videos are on sale today" said my friend Gilbert. I guess he read my mind, which came as a blessing, since decisions of the mediocre kind tend to be fruitless at this hour of the morning. "I'll come by to pick you up in 20 minutes" I replied as I dragged my comb across my hair and was soon in my car on my way to the first task at hand. Parking was a breeze this weekend as many Americans have chosen to recess their spending since the September 11 attack by terrorist. Only I, whom at one time had confronted their type on the operation table, was not about to give them the pleasure. Now bless me for my behavior for I was rewarded for the first time by the gift of front row parking. As I headed for the sporting good shop, Gilbert dashed to the video sale to assure his chances of getting there before his prizes were all sold out. After I completed my procurement of that dashing blue fishing pole, I stopped at the Deli to pick up a hero sandwich in honor of a comrade in arms. As I ordered that big boy, I slipped the owner a ten-spot and asked if he could make this one special for someone deserving. He smiled and went to the oven to get a hot fresh loaf of bread. You could see the hot vapor rising, as he sliced though the crispy crust. He panned though the assortment of exotic mustards and picked out his all time favorites, spreading it across the aromatic loaf. He went straight for the refrigerator where he pulled fresh lettuce, tomatoes, and the large chunks of deli meats that were freshly sliced for the occasion. He added a few extra slices just to be sure the sandwich looked as good as its name.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Dual Narration in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay examples --

Dual Narration in Heart of Darkness      Ã‚  Ã‚   Joseph Conrads novella Heart of Darkness not only dwells on interesting and thought provoking issues that relate to society today, it is also told in an interesting manner in the form of a "story within a story". This serves not only to show increased levels of mental development from all parties involved, that is Marlow, the frame narrator and the reader - but distances Conrad from the text in such a way that he can promote revolutionary issues without necessarilty being attached to them. The character of Marlow does just this - he is far from neutral and is employed by Conrad to position the reader by offering a double-dose of psychological development from Marlow, and the framed narrator. Perhaps the best way to comprehend Marlow's involvement is through an understanding of his journey through the four thematic stages of his travels. These are the darkness of the river which surrounds him (the Thames), the darkness within Kurtz, and with the city of Brussels, the impe niterable darkness within the Congo, and the darkness present within each individual. Through these aspects of the novella can we as readers comprehend the true value of Marlows character.    Initially, Marlow and his audience find themselves within the picturesque setting of the river thames in London. The frame narrators description of such a scene (paralleled to his final description) offer some of the only comment he gives throughout the novel. This is especially important for we as readersare able to comprehend his psychological journey (if not the other men in the boat) forwards, an enlightened state similar of that to Marlow. A "buddah preaching in European clothes". Most noteable however is the phenomin... ...rlow, and the frame narrators position as commentator, their journies - both physical and psychological, position the reader to such an extent that possibilities become infinitely clearer. The darkness evident initially, including the overpowered Kurtz and the gloom encompassing the stark nature of man underneath "ornaments" and "rags" are all portrayed in such scenes by the narrators. Futhermore Conrad envisages the reader being successfully positioned - recognising their own true heart of darkness - and that of the materialistic, possession driven "civilisation" they live in.       Bibliography    Conrad, J. (1995). Heart of Darkness. London: Penguin Group.    Kingsley, Widmer. Dictionary of Literary Biography: British Novelists 1890-1929. Tulsa: 1984    Hayes, Dorsha. "Heart of Darkness": An Aspect of the Shadow," Spring (1956)   

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Book Report -the Notebook by Nicolas Sparks Essay

Summary The Notebook begins with a man in a nursing home, reading a story to a woman. The story is about two young lovers, Allie Hamilton and Noah, who meet one day at a carnival. Although the two are falling in love, Allie’s parents don’t allow the relationship between the two young lovers and decide to move Allie away from Noah and the town. They moved to New York, but Allie never gave up on Noah and always kept her faith to one day their love would have a way to come back, but after waiting for any sign (such as letters) from Noah from years, Allie meets Lon and becomes engaged. However, Allie still has feelings for Noah. Despite her commitment for Lon, Allie decides to visit Noah to see how he’s doing after seeing his picture in the newspaper in front of a house he said he was going to restore (and did). It soon becomes apparent that they still have feelings for each other. Allie spend wonderful days with Noah, but suddenly her mother Anne Hamilton surprises her finding her in Noah’s house. Allies mother confess her that she kept and hide from her the letters that Noah had been sending to her years ago. Allie now has to choose between Lon, the man she had already scheduled to marry, and Noah, the man who she wants. Allie picks Noah, her one true love, and dumps Lon. Noah and Allie end up having a happy life and die together peacefully in the nursing home, side by side. Characters Major Characters * Noah: The narrator of the book and the main character, Noah is a good and kind man who fell in love with Allie fourteen years before the novel opens. He has never forgotten her and is overwhelmed with how much he still loves her when she returns to tell him she is engaged. * Allison Hamilton: A young woman who comes from a privileged family, she spends a wonderful summer with Noah when they are young, but is forced to leave when her parents disapprove. She meets Lon and becomes engaged to him, but something in her makes her return to Noah to be sure she is not making a mistake. * Lon: He is Allie’s fiancà ©, who fights for her in the end, but is too late. He has allowed his career to disrupt any hope he may have had to win her for himself. Minor Characters * Gus: He is the black man who lives down the road from the house Noah has restored. He becomes Noah’s only family until Allie returns. * Anne Hamilton: She is Allie’s mother and had so disapproved of her being with Noah that she had never delivered his letters to her daughter. She finally gives Allie the letters, when she leaves, she whispers to Allie that she should follow her heart. Plot Love conquers all really, no matter how many times the old man (Noah) has to read the book to the old lad, he will. Hoping that one day she’ll remember him, she was his sweetheart and he would not leave her, for as long as she was there he would stay as well. Climax Noah and Ally die together in the same bed. They are old (she has Alzheimer) and in a nursing home. Noah is still telling the story of when they are young and how they finally ended up together. Ally suddenly remembers and recognized Noah, the she chose and that she is the girl from the story that he has been telling her the whole time.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Tangible Property Rights

Week Five Team Assignment: Tangible Property Rights Jo Darling, Mark Plenty, Chantile Smith, Chante Strickland LAW/531 April 15, 2013 David Cheatham, J. D. Week Five Team Assignment: Tangible Property Rights Tangible property is property that is seen and touched outside of fixtures (University of Phoenix, 2010). † Tangible property includes physically defined property such as goods, animals, minerals â€Å"(University of Phoenix 2010). The laws in the United States of America provides property owner rights of protection of their assets (University of Phoenix, 2010).In essence, any organization has an implied right to safeguard tangible property from damage or thief, and this is an organizational responsibility. Therefore, a comprehensive strategy by managers must assess the risks associated with doing business in their industry. This is never more apparent than in automotive retailing, tangible property on location can valuate to millions of dollars. Obviously, a coalition tha t includes a financier, attorney, accountant, and insurance agent would identify areas of concern and present remedies related to the full scope of the business.The common aspect of procuring a strong property and casualty insurance policy is mandated, and regulated. This is the most basic protection management can institute. Moreover, other meticulous methods designed to protect tangible property must be addressed. This composition will confront three issues tantamount for managers to consider, for the success of protecting its tangible property at an automotive store. Tangible Property Protection Plan Tangible property protection requires six perspectives that managers should consider when formulating a plan to protect its tangible property.Broom  (2008) indicates that the areas pertinent to a comprehensive plan are as follows: operations; reputation; regulation; legal; liquidity; and human element. The focus of this submission will discuss inventory, equipment and information. Automotive Inventory The vehicles on a car lot are considered to be the store’s most important tangible property. This inventory can be appraised to be upwards of millions of dollars relative to the size of the inventory. Management would do well to fence off the property to deter theft and vandalism. Of the $17 billion lost by victims of property crime in the United States in 2003, over $8. 6 billion (roughly 51 per cent) was the result of auto theft (FBI) 2004,† (â€Å"The key to auto theft,† 2006, p. 2). Furthermore car stereos, antennas and other accessories are subject to damage or theft if left unprotected (â€Å"The key to auto theft,†Ã‚  2006). Another aspect in this area is controlling access to the keys of the vehicles on the property. It is important to have a system that requires every sales and service person to log use.This means that activity for demonstration rides, merchandising the lot as well as maintenance and repairs need documentation . Many car thieves have obtained illegally, access to keys on the property. â€Å"They related stories about stealing keys from lock boxes that were attached to vehicles’ windows at car dealerships† (â€Å"The key to auto theft,† 2006, p. 919). Automobile Dealership Equipment Managers at a car dealership will find implementing a comprehensive maintenance program on equipment could increase efficiency and productivity.The prime area of consideration if it has one, is the service department. Broome (2008) relates possessing equipment that is state of the art, well maintained or in some cases replaced will reward the organization by increasing performance and reducing down time while enhancing the bottom line. Service will counter sluggish sales and leasing and provide stability when economic conditions cause older vehicles to be in use longer. Moreover, management should establish maintenance schedules on mechanical equipment and require a systematic system for pl acement of all tools.Detailed oral and written reports and firsthand observation should reveal the true value of the service department’s stock in trade. This should prompt managers to follow through and make decisions in a timely fashion for equipment replacement. Protecting Tangible Information Important tangible property at an automobile dealership also consist of copies of financial information, customer contract, and credit information. These records include both manual and electronic data, and management must provide a haven for storage.Therefore a safe located on the property fire and water resistant could preserve documents. On the other hand, provisions could also be made for storage of records away from the property. Electronic files on the local area network should have back up protection in the event of system failure (Broome, 2008). Conclusion Tangible property rights is the foundation granted by law that facilitates asset protection. Management has a duty to tak e initiatives that recognizes risk factors. The next step is to devise plans to mitigate the risk.However, a plan is only a good device unless executed (Broome, 2008). References Broome, J. T. (2008, September). Six steps to lower risk. Playthings, 106(8), 1-16. Chapter 4 reserve reading Cheeseman, H. R. (2010). Personal property and bailment [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. : Pearson education. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, LAW/531 website. Criminal, B. J. (2006, March). The key to auto theft. Advance Access Publication, 46(), 917-934. http://bjc. oxfordjournals. org. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/content/46/5/917. full. pdf+html

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Website comparison

In comparing the websites for Departure and Rubberier, the biggest difference I noticed was that one was geared more for selling their product and the other was aimed at acquiring their customers to sell for them. When viewing Rubberneck's website I noticed that it is very user friendly. If you are looking to purchase their products, there is a link for that. Inside this link is every type of solution you are looking for, from bathroom to kitchen to garage and even outside storage. It's all very accessible.Once you click on the product you are looking for it gives you the price and allows you to buy It right then and there. They also have links for â€Å"Tips and Solutions†. This gives you Ideas on how to better organize yourself and what other people have done. Now as for promotions, they do have a link but you have to first register. This is a good tactic to keep you informed on all things Rubberier. They get you to sign up to receive a coupon or special deal, but they will continue to send you emails with news of anything Rubberier has to offer. It keeps Rubberier fresh in your mind.I think that Rubberneck's target market is the consumer and how they can best serve them. When rating Rubberier on a mouse click scale of 1 TTT, I would give them a 4. Also on a personal consumer level I would stick with that 4. They had everything you were looking for and made it easy to find the next product or promotion. It even made me want to continue shopping for things I didn't need. Overall I would say that Rubberier has done a great Job at implementing the racketing mix and trying to incorporate all of their customers' needs and wants.It was very easy to maneuver through their site and I constantly wanted to search for more things and see what products I could use. While reviewing Departure's website, I came too much different conclusion. The site seemed more geared to getting me to sign up to be a consultant and/or host a party then to actually sell me the Depart ure itself. It is definitely a different approach. I was still able to look and buy their product, but it wasn't as easy. I had to mind the right catalogue and once I did that It wasn't where I could purchase their product.Once I found the link to buy It still seemed like a cluster of products. It was barely broken down Into sections but more based on catalogue end times and sales. It was a lot easier to â€Å"Host† a party and find a consultant or even to become a consultant then to actually buy their product. They do however offer nice benefits for hosting a party. Depending on how much people would spend on your behalf would determine how much free product or discounted product you would receive.Free always sounds like a good number. However I don't think Departure reaches as many potential consumers as they could. Besides being able to sign up to be a consultant I didn't see a place to register for new promotions or get email notifications, or if there was a place it wasn 't easy to access. They are depending on new recruitment to spread the word. Even though Departure has been around for a long time, I have had very few interactions with its products.In giving a Departure a rating for mouse clicks I would have to give it a 4 because I did try to investigate more of the company and product but my overall rating would have been Overall I think that Departure targets the entrepreneur instead of the consumer. They still implement the marketing mix approach but in a very different way than Rubberier. They want the consumer to sell the product for them and spread the product by word of mouth and in home sales, whereas Rubberier focused on conveniently selling and mostly from local stores. Departure was interesting but I think Rubberier did a better Job.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

English Films Essay

It was an unpromising period for the British film industry, the World War II (WWI). With its outburst on the third of September 1939, â€Å"all cinemas in Britain, along with other such venues as theatres and sports arenas, were closed† 5. However, when the cinemas reopened and the films started to reproduce, some of the notable works were that of McAllister and Jennings. McAllister was viewed to have â€Å"symbolic† approach while Jennings was â€Å"articulating a robust Socialist patriotism, a full-blooded love of England and the English centred on an unashamed admiration for the qualities of the common man,† 6 a very suitable theme during those periods. During the phase approaching 1960s however, English films portraying the â€Å"English working life† 7 in a realistic approach started some production and popularity. Currently, what suits the public and what satisfies them are films related to society, politics and culture: the three common aspects of humanity where anyone can almost relate with. One satirical and famous English celebrity for this is Mike Leigh. What does the aforementioned themes in the film production suggest? This means that a film must coincide with events and societal demands as well as the requirements of regulatory bodies behind it. At present in Great Britain, English films must be approved by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) which is an independent, non-governmental body responsible for classification of cinema films beginning 1912 and the regulation of videos since the Video Recordings Act passage in 1984 8. Some of the rules administered by the Board is to ensure that violence, crime, foul nature, criminal behaviour, illegal drugs, horror and sex, as well as videos teaching criminal techniques in the films are closely examined and must not be shown to inappropriate audiences, especially to the children as mandated by various legislations the likes of Obscene Publications Act or the Protection of Children Act 9. In the past three years, 2005 until last year, the Board has made seven, ten and five cuts, respectively, on all the movies that passed through the inspection. 10 Aside from the previously mentioned set of rules and regulations for the films, another thing that must be well thought-out before producing films are the subjects that the national government is promoting and supporting, or, in another case, what that government is banning. This is obvious as what the government wants (or does not want) to be shown in public, thus they subsidize and/or reduce taxes for some films while others are not shown at all. In fact, government tactics in film propaganda was already rampant since the WWII to support what they want to convey such as the production in 1941 of â€Å"The Big Blockade, a feature-length propaganda film dramatizing the activities of the Ministry of Economic Warfare (MEW),† 11 a peculiar film, mixing stylized reconstructions of life in Europe, newsreel, and a barrage of information on the vital importance of MEW, At present the British government has the UK Film Council to support the production of films the government encourages. There are eight kinds of funds available for the program such as development fund, new cinema, festival, international festival sales and support, premiere, prints and advertising, short film completion and film publication fund. 12 In a way to promote the national lottery together with the films it funds, the UK Film council was created and it is funded from national lottery funds. It is currently the richest funding film body with approximately 38 million sterling pounds in budget. 13

Prescription Drug Abuse on Teenagers Research Paper

Prescription Drug Abuse on Teenagers - Research Paper Example Since most of the teens tend to avoid reality in life, they take these drugs in order to control their moods, feelings and mental status. Teenagers have become familiar with the names of the brands of numerous prescription drugs and are in fact able to explain the effects that specific drugs have on them. The disadvantage with taking prescription drugs is that they change one’s state of the mind in a harmful manner. For instance, teenagers who take barbiturates tend to engage in socially unacceptable behavior such as stealing. A survey conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2004 indicated that overall drug abuse by teens had decreased but abuse of prescription drugs indicated an increase. Pain killers are among the most commonly used prescription drugs by the teenagers. Prescription drugs have remained popular in the US because even without the prescription of the doctor there are a big numbers of those using these drugs. Prescription drugs are perceived by teena gers as milder in effect, less costly and safer than hard drugs. They are hence perceived to be better evil compared to hard drugs found in the streets such as marijuana. In most cases, teenagers use prescription drugs in order to get high which is an important feeling when identifying with fellow friends. Apart from getting high, prescription drugs are used by teens to increase concentration or alertness and to reduce pain or anxiety. Since prescription drugs are taken under doctor’s prescription, teenagers do not experience a lot of stigmatization when they are known to use them by their peers or superior others.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

End of Isolation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

End of Isolation - Essay Example Dorn and McClellan state in their work that society consisting of human beings has experienced numerous changes due to technology (McClellan, 1999, p.276). Changes in technology has even assisted America in several ways and has resulted in eliminating America’s social isolation, elevating economic growth, assisting in strategizing the military section and uniting the American people mentally and physically. Body The gap between the citizens of America has decreased due to increase in technological advancements since 1865. The new advancements have made various changes, these advancements have helped: in making research and development an easier task, sharing information and education, socializing with other and changed complex tasks into simple ones. These changes have assisted US in transferring and receiving information in both oral and written format. One of the major technological advancements experienced since 1875 was the creation of telephone by Alexander Graham Bell, t his advancement was made as Graham Bell was quite motivated by the providing education to the deaf (Keenan, 2001, p.51). Other advancements that came to the forefront were the introduction of machines used to increase productivity, vehicles used for transportation of mass quantity of resources, and the typewriter. These advancements led to the research and development of much sophisticated technologies. The people of the United States were divided and had a conflict with each other during the period of Reconstruction. The American citizens were focused on and were very concerned about the disastrous effects of the Civil and the political wars that were being experienced by the nation during that era. The difference of opinion among the citizens and the wish to learn new things resulted in higher desire for technological advancements. During this period, the citizens felt the need for technology that could help them in moving from one end to another and to communicate their views to others. These needs led to the development of railroads and telegram during the 19th century, railroads accomplished the need for traveling and telegram led to the accomplishment of the need for communication (Bowles, 2011, p.47). During the period of the 1900s technological advancements were slow in speed to happen as compared to the technological advancements experienced by the Americans today. Technological advancements have even aided the students of America in gaining diverse amount of information and learn things in a better manner. Before computers came into existence, people in America were restricted to their libraries and educators for information purpose. Today, American students use internet and online sources to obtain information and with the aid of this information they develop themselves and gain acceptability throughout the world in different organizations. Politicians and people representing political arena use the means of technology to gain popularity in order to get elected in the higher rankings of the political arena. These advancements are used by interest groups and political personalities to change the perception of the citizens of the citizens and to gain support for the enactment of new practices and regulations. The telegram has been replaced by digital technology such as the mobile phones. The digital technolo0gy has been used by the President Obama, he used email to obtain support for his plan of generating economic growth

Monday, August 12, 2019

Managing the use of Force in Policing Research Paper

Managing the use of Force in Policing - Research Paper Example Many of the police managers are aware that the police officers who are amongst the most motivated and generate most arrests are those who apply maximum use of force. This seems to generate conflict between the managers who find it hard to discipline those said to be on the lead in combating crime. As managers are aware that their core responsibility is to discourage abuse of force and ensure that the police force apply the principle of minimum force, it is not unusual not to believe that the police can be effective by application of these principles. The managers, secretly believe that police obtain respect from those who challenge their authority through dominating physically. This paper aims address this issue by looking at the features of the use of force, which are relevant in understanding the risks related to attempts to manage the use of force by the police. Most use of force by police takes place where managers are never present, and normally involve decisions by a police off icer that force is justified in such circumstance. This decision normally fall on the members of the lowest level of the organizational structure, and it reflects the routine character of uniformed and plain clothed police officers who are dispersed, and has low visibility from the watch of police management and other regulatory bodies. Police encounters with individuals who have the potential for the use of force mostly in public settings or in places where the problems with their clientele have come to light (Fyfe, 1986). Other people may be present in addition to suspects, which increases pressure on police to handle the situation in a manner that demonstrate humanity or they risk adverse reaction from the public. In contrast, these encounters with situations by the police force normally take place, though they are public, in settings by virtue of late hours where non-police third party witnesses are not present. This situation minimizes the pressure and restrains possible influe nce of adverse reactions from the public. In most cases, the situation could increase possibility of using excessive force and enhance fabrication of the facts of the events by the involved police. In addition, it might deprive the person of the confidence that presence of third party may be a restraint on the police. Police may require the use of force in some situations, when they do occur, tend to give a sense of urgency (Fyfe, 1986). Such like cases gives the police limited degree of choices as to whether they can get involved in the situation. The situation is said to be involuntary and require the police to use force in terms of ‘split-second decisions’ made on the inducement of the moment. Some of these situations encountered by the police are unanticipated and call for a quick response from the police force. On the same, trainers and analysts have shown concerns over the recent years on the myth of split-second decision by focusing on the decisions made by an of ficer prior to arrival to the immediate vicinity of the subject (William & Dae-Hoon, 2008). These decisions can be characterized into five phases: anticipation, initial confrontation on entry, exchange of information and dialogue, final frame decision and then the aftermath. Responses to situations that require the police to use force reflect a series subjective judgment that regards the unfolding situation. The work of police

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Journalism and Communication - Plagiarism Essay

Journalism and Communication - Plagiarism - Essay Example More often than not students merely paraphrase the existing works of other authors in a bid to evade plagiarism without proper citation of the original sources of information. It is imperative to acknowledge and cite the original sources that were used to access the initial information if students need to avoid plagiarizing. In general terms, plagiarism entails the replication of someone’s ideas without giving credit, stealing of ideas, failure to put quotation marks and proper reference to a quoted phrase, provision of inappropriate information regarding the sources of the quoted information as well as alteration of the wordings in a sentence structure without giving credit to the original author (Alfrey, 2012). Why Students Plagiarize Students plagiarize their work due to various conflicting reasons. Some students plagiarize their work intentionally while others plagiarize unintentionally. Some of the common reasons for plagiarism are: unexpected deadline in class work, over whelming assignments, the confusion in research and plagiarism boundaries, and lack of explicit ideas and training on how to avoid plagiarism (Purdue University, 2007) Intentional v. Unintentional Plagiarism From the accessible facts, it is clear that, some students and scholars plagiarize their work deliberately. ... Moreover, some students have difficulty in the interpretation and analysis of the available online data. This category of students copy paste complex information from the internet without proper synthesis of ideas or paying attention to the authors. Some students also believe that, the quality of their original work is low compared what is available in the internet. This leads to direct copying and hence plagiarism. Most contemporary scholars lack the most effective way of developing their own ideas and style, limiting them to direct utilization of the existing written information. The pressure from the lecturers, peers, families’ course, job requirements and scholarship admission are and failure to meet strict deadlines are acknowledged as the main factors that motivate students to engage in intentional plagiarism. Internal and external pressures portray education as the only ladder to success rather than for a self valuation process. Due to this, students tend to embark on t he end result of education rather than on valuing the skills and competencies in training and education. Many students fail to understand the significance of the acquired research and writing skills in their future career development. Intentional plagiarism is necessitated by peer influence. Poor assignment planning coupled with poor time management skills are also common prerequisites for intentional plagiarism amongst college students, especially since many students are always less aware of the time required in completing a research paper. Naive students are sometimes compelled to use the other scholars’ work without due authority. In most cases, these mistakes occur as a result